Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Go Trump go Jan 19th, Tuesday, 2016 AD

Mr. Trump,

Today Dr. Savage said that you should change your advisers. I agree. I don't know how many you've got, but you should hire me for sure.

About Ted Cruz's "birther" issue.
Why not you get a prominent immigration lawyer on your side who will hold a copy from a statute of the law pertaining to dual citizenship and comment particularly on Cruz's situation?
You can do it on your own. Why ask Cruz about himself? Law doesn't change from person to person.
And, if he's OK, then you don't need to waste a second on that issue any more. It's that simple.
You also don't need to be everything on the page what hard headed conservatives wrote. They're not "all that." They have not enough to be "all that." I'm using a NYC casual talk now.
Hire me, give me resources and I'll show you who is who in that fight. People who criticize you will be so cautious like the rats when they smell the snake scent coming close. I'm not comparing you with a snake, don't get me wrong, but a little hissing can go a long way in the brutal fight you've got yourself in. Some snakes are very useful for nature. They just got a bad rap.

You're more like a Lion. Lions walk alone. They're confident. Tigers are a little more vicious. I want you to act like a Tiger. Also be able to swim under the water like a shark.
Dems are like hyenas, which walk and attack in packs. Sorry, I overrated them, they consider themselves donkeys.  Not that I have anything against donkeys. I think they're cute. Have very proportionate features, if you noticed. Also baby Jesus was saved on riding a donkey? I guess so.
I'm going to get you 3 things, 3 stuffed animals that you can travel with and will remind you of the instincts those have in nature.
If you won't want to keep them by your side as reminding symbols, your youngest son will definitely enjoy them.
Also I heard that you're "trying" to look like you're a "Bible reader." That's who want you to look "phony" are saying in the lowlife media. They said that you said "two Corinthians" instead of "second Corinthians." I say; oh, boo-hoo.
How many in clergy "uniform" have read the Bible from beginning to the end, you think?
Not too many. I've got you covered on that too. They want "wisdom" from you. You've got it!
You're an economics major, you need humanities major like myself with both European and American education. I have European degree, which is much, much better and higher and have done my necessary touch-up at Columbia University. I don't need their degree, I've got the better one.
Also we're going to keep an eye on veterans daily bases.
I'll got you equipped with appropriate reminders of them also with what I right now have in my possession.

1. Economy is totally on you. I can tell you only about my life and observations and help to get together a group which will help collect and put together the statistics.
Always, in the back of your mind, you have to remember that behind the scenes there is a bigger crowd vs. the excited one that you're facing.
You have to have someone to remind you that constantly; with pictures, numbers, facts, news, etc.
People like you, who need bodyguards all the time, travel with security and fly from one place to another, really do not get a chance to talk to real people. You can meet with them only in controlled settings, hear their voices and nose of excitement they make, but you can't just sit down and listen to someone who can say "no" to you, besides some hecklers. You need some people like myself to tell you the real state of affairs. ATKHCJ. ***

2. Foreign policy; - top idem on the list of "must" for every President or PM on this planet.
I'm an expert on only another super-power of the world. Know the language, history, culture and love it too. You can't find anyone with more gravitas than me who can put Putin and you together to talk like friends. NONE, whatsoever!
Actually, should you know me by now and get a simple advice, you would be so extremely popular around the world with so little for a man of your financial stature, that no PR company will tell you.
maybe they're not as smart or maybe they wouldn't you do so good with so little. Point. End of the story.

3. Culture; America don't merely have as much as Europe (simply because it's a young country) and I'm European with European education and upbringing and speak 3.5 languages.
Can play piano, sing songs and dance disco like no other half of my age. Am I a part person.
No. I'm a lay-back conceptual. Love literature, including for children, love children and animals, especially dogs and they're, I must admit, get scary for me when they meet me.
Children and dogs have most amazing instincts in the world that adult human don't. Simply, when we grow older we develop more and more layers of mental filter and start relying on our intellect (intellectualizing) that our instincts naturally subside.
Do you know that for a genius world class philosopher is more difficult to answer to simple worldly Qs rather than complicated concept Qs? That's true. That's why those need people who keeps the balance for them. So called "keeps them grounded."
Money and power can corrupt/destroy the body, mind, psyche and the soul of human; separately or all together.
There are 3 ways to use them for good and 3 ways to use them for bad. You'll be surprised how many don't even know it. I feel you know and used it in your career.
I don't care when Cruz "preaching" to his audience, saying "don't listen, but look at what someone's work." Agree. I look and don't see what he did, I look and see the building you built. I love it. I love Real Estate.
Oh, did I forgot to mention that I also am a Licenced NY RE Sales Agent? I haven't done it for 10 years, need to renew it, but I'm not in rush with that now. We'll leave that alone for now.
I can write about it. That would be exiting for me. I'd love it.
Can do interview with successful people in the business and connected to it. ******************************************************************************

Come to think of it. I just came up with this; you're  NYC cultural icon.
Architecture, design, building, contraction, urban development is a big part of the culture with which we associate every day.
I'm going to write about it and send to The Observer. Wow, I'm getting good ideas while writing this. I never sent anything to any paper in this town. I'm going to do it for you.

I'm born with overdeveloped gene for communication. I can bring people together like none other.
Lived in different continents, in different political and social systems, speak different languages, can relate to other religions with respect, knowledge and considerations. I know what connects and what divides them. I know the psychology behind it that no psychologist will come out and say out loud because they would be jeopardizing their "ethics."
Have anyone gone to psychologist, asked Qs and actually got some, I'm not saying answers, but at least "explanations" of daily occurrences in life? I haven't. The silence or "don't know" is their answer. Have you read any of their books? Have you seen how confusing they put everything so you can't learn anything form there? You have to do it on purpose. You have to be a fiction writer.
I'm not a fiction writer. I can't even push myself to be so vague. Subconsciously I always Q what I hear from people and consequently I always have a proof when I talk about anything.
I have a few time more information and knowledge about things that I even mention slightly.
As appose to vermin in the main stream media (as Dr. Savage calls them) who just to talk about everything without checking or even make them up to fill the paper or the time.
The highest and the best J school in this country is teaching 2 things only;
1. get the story (from where ever and how ever you can) and
2. meet the deadline. That's all.

Borders; Absolutely shut down temporarily, let's say for 10 years and clean up the mass inside.
Let me interview the head of Immigration on live air and you'll see whoever is that (I don't even know at this second) has no idea what's going on. I promise.
Do you want an interview with those who teache Immigration at Columbia University and NYU
Law schools? Give me the tools, - I'll do it.
4. Sense of humor; very, extremely important idem. Must know one liners, witticisms and jokes.
You have to enjoy what you're doing. The proofs of joy are smile and laugh.
Let me give you couple of one-liners right now;
1. "Smile - it confuses people."
2. "Jesus loves you, everyone else want you to be gone."

See, how I've got myself my hands full? I think I'm done for today. Now I'm going to watch your today's speech in IOWA.
Almost every day I write about your campaign in my other blog at www.ToMichealSavage.blogspot.com.
I don't want to link all of it to this, because it will overwhelm the space in here and haven't had the time to go back, sort it out and link only parts than can go here.
See, I already need an assistant. With my ideas and your possibilities we can start creating jobs in rapid pace.

Suggestions: Please;
1. Do not be intimidated when called "not really, fully conservative" matching every clause on their list. Nobody is, neither are they. You don't need to be either. I'll tell you more, but won't put it in here so they won't get a hold of the idea. ***************************************************
There are 2 very self-destructive clauses on that list that can finish off this country's existence from within without firing a weapon.

2. You are not a career politician, stay like that. That's the beauty of the sincerity and spontaneity you express. We're tried of bozos reading from papers written by others.

3. Sanctuary cities; undo it after getting into WH. THX!

Anna, NYC
P.S. Your last week's interview with Savage is at youtube.com/watch?v=UPn_RIDRAI4.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Go Trump go! Jan. 15th, Friday, 2016 AD

Dear readers,

I'm writing about Mr. Trump in my other blog, which is almost daily and has more diverse news and commentary, - www.MichaelSavage.blogspot.com. 
Please check that one. I do lots of work and wasn't able to separate these two.
Dr. Savage is his fierce fan and I'm writing to him almost 6 years by now.
I can simply copy and paste and put huge parts in here, but I don't want to overwhelm this blog.

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Go Trump go! Dec. 9, 2015 AD, Saturday

Please check the blog ToMichaelSavage.blogspot.com.
I'll get back in here shortly.