Thursday, February 18, 2016

Go Trump go! Feb. 18th, Thursday

Please for now check
I blog almost daily in there and you'll find lots of info. from local and int'l news and also comments about Mr. Trump's campaign. I'm follow it religiously and my project of backing him up is growing bigger and bigger, getting more strength (with God's will as its engine) and growing wider wings.
I'd love to say "HUGE" if he would prefer the word, because I know when he sees the blueprint and hear my explanation, he'll know right away that there is no stopping us.
His Presidency will be the beginning of the real work. It's going to be a hell of a good job to pull through. Lots of cleaning up to do, from A-Z.
Do you know how I view the vermin on the left who're up in arms to destroy this country? I feel like they're the termites. Although they're no invisible, but because they're usually using nice, good humane words for cover up, a lots of people might and/or will choose to let them slide, to give them a chance, not to bother with "termite detection." If house looks big and strong, maybe it is, right?
To me it used to, not any more. I know on my own life experience.
Hardly noticeable termites infested the infrastructure. We have to hold on to the ground, to the foundation. That is the only place to stay alive. The walls and the roof are very fragile. To me roof is gone with the wind which also blew $19 Trillion out.
The left, the radicals, the liberals, the progressives and hard core conservatives are the internal enemies who are chewing the left over wooden structure. More crocks and holes are merrier.
The external enemies sneak in to blow up or hit us from outside. Who is watching out? Nobody.
If ash (means donkey in another language) Carter can't tell a stupid company like Apple (who already got hacked a few years ago) to unlock a darn damn phone, I don't know what massage that can send out about his ability to do anything. After-all that lowlife use to teach in one of institutions of lower learning where criminal-clan-of-clintons formed. Did you see that old-bag kissing the criminal-congressman-of-harlem? Oh, yes, she went 'cheek-to-cheek, nose-to-nose" with him and praised herself right away for it. She called it a "relationship" that 'others" didn't built yet. She screamed like an old-bag that she is making sure that people realized that she already paid and bought those. Imagine how clever is she; she used other people's money on that purchase and it "hers." She has them in her pocket. Take the taxpayer money, but people and put on your side to help you to get all the money you want, all the other people's money you want. Buy as much as ink you want and need for the printing press for treasury department. Do you doubt that that couple is capable of stealing money printing machines and taking to their house? I don't. Remember how she has 3 NYC lawyers
take out the documents from "Rose" law firm? Remember that FBI caught them and still nothing happened to them? Ask Jacky Mason, he'll remind you.
It's like a circus, I swear. That's why main stream media must be dismantled and replaced by real, live, fact based news and commentary based on Q & As including all the sides live!
See, I'm saying all sides. Not 2 or 3 or 4 sides, I'm saying as many sides as out there.
Am I objective and fair at the same time or there can be another alternative?
I don't see it. There is no other alternative than hold people responsible for their words and actions, if they're a public figure or want to be one with the help of people's will.
That's all. It only and only can be done by someone like myself, who never had any affiliations and still does not. I and only I can ask Qs that those bog bozos can not answer. Simply because they're ignorant; don't know history, literature, languages, culture, haven't been anywhere, etc.
Oh, someone might say the hilarious has been in 80 countries. BS! Changing locations physically don't mean anything, She was a puppet on the strings and went where they took her and said thing that were given to her. I have pity on her.
Do you imagine how many nasty, degrading and insulting names Arabs and all the Muslims are calling her every time they see her face on TV talking sh.t to get "power?" They can't stand that witch.
We need a man, a strong, devoted man to his family and country.
Rafael-cruising-cruz is a liar and unstable. His poetic tonality fits better in forums Y92 rather than WH.
Did you see that SC governor endorsed the ice-cream-man? Yes, Nikki did it. Is she spanish too?
They know how to hang together.
Only white Christian people are isolates, chased around, badmouthed constantly, blamed for everything and keep paying for things they weren't suppose to, but can't stop the hordes, because they stay silent and thus divided.
This has to change. They're still a majority. Unless they decide 'this is it, there is no place to go further, we have to do something to stop this in order to survive' this fraudulent game causing distraction will not end.
I'll white what programs I saw on public channels and will comment on them.      

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Go trump Go! Feb. 9th, Congrats Mr. Trump, you won NH!

Mr. Trump,

I follow your campaign on daily bases and becoming anxious about the results. Today Dr. Savage said that he can't wait to get over with with this election. It's too much to wait for so many more months.
He wishes it would be as soon as March 31st. I join that wish, but alas can't do anything about it.
The worse part of waiting is the feeling of fear that there is still plenty of time to do more irreversible damage from WH. "Fiat-master gone berserk" should be the name of the show made on his name about his legacy. I just came out with this name and idea.
You look good in the picture sitting in Oval office. Can you upgrade it though? You have much higher sumptuous taste than the person (with all due respect to him) who made the general design of that room. I know it's a special place and you respect it very much. You expressed your admiration for it already and I'm sure future first lady's taste can decorate the house beautifully.
I live in America for 25 years and haven't been in WH. When you move in there, I'll take time to visit it and will take a tour.

Dr. Savage is right. Don't become soft. Be the way you have been already. We're looking for somebody who can look out for us, protect us, make us feel safe. We, those who're not connected and innocent are most vulnerable people in this country.
Racism, pregidism, discrimination against majority of this country is running rampand and getting worse by the day. It's a big business, it's institutionalized, supported and covered up by main stream media and other self-destructive forces, which Dr, Savage calls the "fifth column."
Majority became silent long before I arrived here, hoping that things will change and bad things in society will go way by the time. No matter who much of progress has been made in social fabric of this country, old things not only didn't go away, but gone worse. Majority is silenced. Silenced so badly, that not only no one wants to hear anything about the truth, but dark forces do not allow even to show it. I haven't seen most silent society than this one.
Media does play a destructive role in keeping this country's essence intact. It's not an accidental thing. It's not just chain of events and reality of time. Most of us understand, see, hear, experience and can't express ourselves, because their is no place for that. None. Whatsoever.
Courts-shmorts, all the phony gov. agencies are not interested and not going to do anything about anything. Huge amount of people live in this country, but couldn't care less about its future and worse yet, want to see it destroyed. Many of them are born in here for generations and still live life of discontent, grudge and hostility.
Being legal, moral, educated, decent, honest person is not only didn't matter, if you're not a mmeber of a group, but it's a disadvantage.
We want to change this. I want to see America that I thought it was and it suppose to be on the books. It should really be a beacon of freedom of speech, equality before the law, etc.
Instead, throughout quarter of century living in here and searching I didn't find any signs of existence of those things.
What kind of independent press we can talk about when the biggest newspaper - the NYSlims (as Mark Levin calls it) endorsing a presidential candidate? Look at the rest, like thick dirty fliers for mentally ill. Who wants to touch those?
Dr. Savage is right when he says "vemin in the media." At the beginning I felt it was too strong of a name, but throughout years they earn and successfully defending that title every day.
Bravo to you for ditching Megyn-pino-china-Kelly. Savage said that she looks like the Pinocchio, so I came up with a little feminized name for her.
Why would you go to give them business and be mistreated at the same time? There is no reason for that. You're bigger and higher than them. Your don't need introduction or their "endorsement."
We, the informed people, all know who is who very well.

Almost every day I wrote a posting in my blog addressed to Dr. Savage. I've been very long time listener of his and opened a blog to communicate with him already for 6 years. I have more than 400 postings/open letters in there. It's at
After you announced that you're running, almost every time I wrote about you in there. I can simply copy and paste and have those part on this blog, but I felt that will overwhelm this one.
I want to keep this blog light, simple and precise. I can get carried out on the other one, because there are too many things to talk about. And, still that's not everything I know, find out daily and would like to put out. Not even close. I stay anonymous, because I do not look for fame, nor I planned to made a penny on it. I did it as a good Samaritan, a caring citizen of this country.
My dream was to come to USA and become a journalist in here. I never, ever applied to any job in any media company or press. I'm too independent to work for anybody. I have to do my thing all by myself. I'm ready to start, able like never before.
My journalism is fact based and has a cause; to help create a civil society. You might say; "it's already created." I'd say; "maybe yes, maybe not, depends where and for who."
To dig in and fundamentally cover the essence of these 2 sentences can take many volumes of books and thousands of hours of air time.
I'm ready; all I need a studio, a little technology, maybe a person to handle the equipment and some other basic tools for functioning.
I promise you that you're going to hear and see things that you didn't know, nobody else knew and if they did, they couldn't tell or show.
I'm going to do a capital housekeeping in this house of finest, bravest and strongest called US of A.
Social and civil fabric of this society can not be dry-cleaned anymore, it needs a unique hand-wash with special truth-soup that only I have got.
We're going to do the most important thing of present time; improve relations and become partners with Russian Federation. That is so important, that nothing, absolutely nothing comes even close to it. I can have an expert to come and bring all his arsenal of knowledge and recent facts to put on table with all the proof you can possibly asked for, that you'll be surprised how main stream media is clueless and stupid at the same time and what kind of danger we're faced with by the policies of this current administration. I'm not talking wasting money or being bad, I'm talking about life and death situation that we're in right now and don't even realize.

For you, being so busy, having a huge business, a big bust family, running full time for such a high position, it's difficult, of not impossible to see, hear and find out things going on in this city, let alone in the world. You live in the same building that you work, go out surrounded with people all the time and need to see what is the rest of places look like that you haven't been or can't go. How? Easy.
It called streaming live. You can see things live on your phone from where ever you want to.
You need someone extremely, totally, competently, drastically and dramatically independent.
I do not belong to any political, social or religious group. being a citizen of this country I never even voted for anyone in any election whatsoever. Not even registered yet.
I have a roof over my head and will have enough food and clothing. Do not want to do this for those things. I have enormous amount of education. European Masters in Philology, I'm a Medical Nurse in Military Reserves, list goes on and on. Almost all the jobs I work I was overqualified so I had to hid my education to get a job. Only as a Real Estate Agent I didn't need to. Nobody asked anyway, I was self-employed. I speak 3 languages fluently and one a little bit. Grow up in socialism, came to capitalism, couple of years lived in Europe, which is 50/50.
I can talk and comfortably hang around anybody; from a homeless person in NYC streets, a fireman, contraction worker, bus driver, any professor at Columbia University and to secretary of Mr. Putin, asking to meet with him.
I sent him many, many letters telling that you're the only hope for us to be able to stop the dangerous hostility, get together, talk things out in order to survive.
I haven't step a foot on Russian soil for 25 years. I do not have anyone there anymore. But, I follow their media and the press, listen to the biggest minds in academia and politics and can assure you that the discussion they have in there, we don't have it in here. None, whatsoever. Our media is such a low-class, low-taste, low-information machine that I can't even start telling you about it. You have to see it to believe it.

Should you meet with me and invest time to hear what I have to say, we'll go and meet people that you'll never meet through anybody.
I'll be the conceptual, you'll carry your magic wand to open doors. Money can be used like a magic wand and/or a master key to open doors.
I'm so glad you've got it and don't need to ask from anybody. That's your most important advantage over your adversaries, competitors and foes. It's a blessing that gives you necessary freedom that they don't have.

Again, congratulations for NH and more energy and enthusiasm to you and your family to go through this journey. Also I prey for Ivanka to have that baby with laughter and joy.

Best regards,