Wednesday, December 7, 2016

To Michael Savage Dec. 7th, 2016


Today is a special day, unfortunately in a tragic way. Pearl Harbor in 1941 happened in here and another one that I witnessed in 1988 overseas.
I can't write about it now because of time constraints, but maybe some another time, God willing.

Today you touched on topics such as O's legacy, his lying and trying to rewrite history by saying that everything went smooth under his "reign" in his last speech.
You read a list of attacks committed in the US in last 8 years. Yes, they were numerous and to me weren't handled seriously. Nadalhasan should be publicly put to death to send a massage a long time ago. I don't know why that vermin is still breathing air.
You mentioned birdies who died from environmental poisoning saying that you're a conservationist and we should be careful with out nature.
Yes, of course, my heart goes out for birdies.
Then you talked about homelessness. Well, last number for people in homeless shelters in NYC reached 61000. I heard it yesterday on the radio. Not the people in the streets, but those in shelters.
Under bloody-B the number is only growing. Liberals like that. Liberals in reality are very vicious and hateful people. They pretend they "like" homeless and want to help them, because they created them to feel good about themselves in the first place. All the people who're dependent on government are their constituency, their "clientele."
I know the solution for homelessness, but I have no nerve to call you. ***************************

Talking about dems and gov. corruption, listen to this clip from campaign time couple of mouths ago by Rudy Giuliani, at
He talks to public as a prosecutor and a politician who can put 2 and 2 together in simple words.
I love Rudy, his time was a good time for NYC. I miss it. I think Trump should give him any position
he'd like to take. He'll do good in any job. I have his book "Leadership." I only paged thought it when I bought it, I'm going to read it when I get a chance.

You poked on Pope and his "environmental endeavors." hahaha!    
You said "when you cleans the doors of reality, you'll see how the life is - horrible."

Then you talked about team 6 and their demise on slow moving stupid helicopter, which you find suspicious. You talked about it before and I agree that there was something very bad about the judgment leading to that tragedy. They never mentions the names 7 Afghan soldiers who were in it with our soldiers. Did they play a part in that? There were actions by other military machinery flying by, which could let vermin on the ground to know that there was a mission going on.
You had someone on the phone with military background explaining how things work on the field, but it didn't really set with my logic well. I've got more Qs than answered after him and after another one you had later.
I know the solution to the problem of so many deaths in our military. We should not have any.
It's doable. As the old saying goes "fish rots from the head." Not all military man are OK in their heard and souls and those on top of them who suppose to be civilians have no idea how military works.
"Civilian control over military" sounds nice at first. It give you a feel like a "civil society" or some such. But, how someone who didn't fire a BBgun can make a sound order to a man in uniform?
All soldiers and generals are good? No, I don't believe so, but I better be on their side, because most of them are good and keep us safe.
I found this "" 
Trump can and should clean up the military with God's will.

Int'l news; In Moscow and its vicinity 3 law enforcement agencies pulled a raid on criminal groups who were planing and recruiting acts, at 12 people were arrested and lots of weapons confiscated. All of them came from USSR muslim republics and pleaded guilty. Last mouth 10 of such vermin, who were planing t.r.r acts in Moscow and other big cities, were arrested. Look at that vermin, look how he's smiling arrogantly, like nothing was going on. They should mention individually who came from what republic and point out their religion.
Russians know it by heart. So far I haven't hear ethnic Russian committing t.r.r against its people and country.
Today Putin in Kremlin talked to high ranking military men, who're watching out for the safety of RF, gave them awards, thank them for their service and honored the memory of fallen in Syria with a minute of silence,
at and
After 2 Russian medical nurses' deaths today from his wounds passed away colonel of Russian Army, officer R. Galitskiy, at He worked in most dangerous parts of Aleppo coordinating the training of Syrian army in the fight against vermin .S.L.
Two nurses will be buried on Friday in their homeland in Far East of Russia. One was 39, another 40 year old. Both had kids. This was their second trip to Syria, they helped dozens of Syrian civilians to survive with the price of their own life, at 

Most of Aleppo is freed now, Russian sappers are cleaning land mines, at 
Pay attention to this; as soon as vermin is retrieving and loosing, the West comes up with new stupidity, such as talking about humanitarian crisis. Where were they when Russians were doing all the work to save people? Oh, I know where; American drones were flying, taping, eavesdropping and intimidating those who were fighting against .S.L. Now the WEST says that it's Assad's fault that there is humanitarian crisis, at



Monday, December 5, 2016

To Michael Savage Dec. 5th, Monday


Wee hours.
You want to see how O's America is doing in Eastern Europe with the help of our "partner" EU?
Here; 3 years ago bunch of people, paid by the Western powers, sat down in main square in Kiev and in couple of months managed to pull a coup of legitimately elected government.
They fought in the streets, broke into Rada and overthrow the government.
Hip, hip, hurrah, for all I care, right? Right, but... Our POTUS had and still has a personal detest against Putin and used and abused that situation to do everything possible to hurt Russia politically and economically.
It was done methodically put us at the brink of WW3.
Result for Ukraine; it's in more mess than before its "revolution for dignity" 3 years ago.
Today 2/3rd of that country's youth want to leave the country, civil war, 100s of deaths, political assassinations and self-exiles, inflation, more unemployment and more corruption than ever.

Now watch this clip with information given by ex-parliamentarian and Poroshenko's colleagues who fled to UK and giving interviews about what is going on in Ukraine's politics today, at
My Q; why American taxpayer pays for all this? Do you know how much O gave to uncle PP to keep the fire against Russia up and burning? A looot! In 100's of Millions of not Billions of dollars.
You should do the research and the math. Even IMF stopped financing Kiev, after realizing what kind of crooked government it had dealt with. But not WH, nosir. This recipient of Noble Prize for Peace
not only didn't come out of Iraq and Afghanistan, but we're now in Syria, Libya, Yemen and who knows where else.

Look how in his last days of Presidency O's trying to throw a match on the hay of US and RF relations.
All over sudden, Kiev decided to fire some missiles, as if  for training, which should fly over Crimea. They boldly announced it and declared that it's still their territory.
RF answered in harsh terms promising that any of the fire encroaching their airspace will be met with bigger and stronger fire right back into the source.
Kiev decided not to go to provocation for once, at 
It let loose some of its old, soviet times Russian bombs, which didn't do any harm to the border of RF.
Instead, politically they lost their faulty ground of pretending to believe that Crimea is still theirs.
By backing off they admitted where is the factual border of Russian Federation.
With coming into the power of Trump Kiev panics. What about EU? To save faces they want to go to "gas" provocation, as if they want Kiev to stop the flow of gas through its territory and as a "gift" want to open NO-VISA regime with UA.
With gas the issue is so funny, that my belly goes jolly. 40% of gas EU gets from RF. Let them freeze. Russians won't freeze, they will have more of theirs and stay warm and cozy. What Western perverts don't understand that Russian spirit is unbreakable.
In terms of NO-VISA regime, if it happens, according to Int'l numbers, at least 65% of their population will leave the country, among them 80% younger population. Imagine a country empty of young people full of sick and old and without gas to cook and heat to warm up? Good job, Barak!
Those will go and get messed up with young thugs from Middle East and create more clashes of civilizations on the streets, on daily bases.
D-tran-Merkel should be hanged like Saddam was. Just my personal opinion.
The West, EU and the US paid Ukraine to have civil war and kill next door brethren to sustain its survival. Kill inside and outside, what else do you want?
Today Kiev can not live without war. It's economy is based on it. It's oligarch president decided not to make billion of Dollars by only selling chocolate, but also selling the blood of its own people.
That country is a big cemetery and its disastrous economy is hovering over it.
But.. oligarchs and government rats are neighbors by their summer homes in Spain, at 8:50min. Cuckoo Yatsenyuk's dacha is in Miami.
Ukrainian people were promised a European life. Out of that promise all they got now is only the Europeans prices in their ruined homeland.
Look at the end of the clip you'll see group of people in Moscow are singing Ukrainian songs and in Kiev simple people are singing Russian songs. Isn't it sad that normal thing like this catches attention.
Dark powers in the WEST, guided by WH, decided to kill as many Slavic people (who're white and Christian), as they can.
The WEST is suicidal. It'll start eating its own crawling flesh if Putin will cut the gas flow to it.
I, actually, can't wait to see it. I know it's cruel to say (because simple people will suffer), but what else Putin can do when he's out right provoked?
Don't we say "be careful what you wish for, you might as well get it?" Why Putin can't tell them the same and do it too? Just wondering.  

Terrible bus accident in Russia happened yesterday. A group of gymnasts were returning from acrobatics competition. 10 students ages 12-14 and 2 adults are dead, 24 injured, 18 of them school children. What a total nightmare. I have no words for this. Absolutely none.

Another tragedy is still unfolding in Oakland, CA, 33 people are dead from the fire in warehouse,
but search is not finished yet. There could be more bodies because there are people who're reporting lost ones. Happen to be 25 artists were illegally living in a massive loft structure of an abandoned warehouse and organized a dance party over the weekend.
It seems like fire was electrical and raged fast and furiously. One of the victims was only 17 years old, at
The owner of the property said that he didn't know there were squatters living in the building.
There were complains about what was going on inside that structure though, but inspectors never went inside the building. You can see all the pictures of their make shift apartments they put out while living and working in there.
Yup, it can happens when law is not followed. Everybody has a gilt in this; the squatters themselves, their friends and families who didn't stop them forcefully not to break the law or help them nicely to have a place to stay, the property owner(s), city agencies, the media who didn't bring it up and out to public, etc.
Now, those who didn't help them to have a place will sue and benefit from their deaths? Now, they're crying like they cared? Interesting. Any vermin from the media is going to ask them this Qs, so it will send a massage to others who have people in similar situations? I'm sure those were not the only squatters all over the place.
I don't think so. They're too cowardly to ask them for accountability. They'll talk to them the day they collect taxpayers' money to congratulate them with phony sympathy.
Poor taxpayers, those who were at work and had no idea about this people, will pay the tab.
Good news for lawyers though; some of them are salivating now.
To me the biggest failure is from the part of the parents of those people. Look how they look like. Look how they were living their lives and what kind of behavior they have been conducting in there? What kind of art they were creating? Why those parents didn't guide them to have better choices?
If those youngsters didn't have place to go or pay for rent, why their parents or extended families didn't keep them in their homes?
I know it's harsh to criticize the victims, but to me parents are not victims in this case. Real victims are those who came to that party as a guest, who were visiting from abroad and didn't know better what that place was about and what might happen there.

Early afternoon;
Russian evening news is out and it's very bad, at
So called Syrian opposition forces sponsored by US bombed Russian mobile medical tent in Western Aleppo which was helping civilians, especially children. Two of Medical Sisters (we call nurses in here) were killed and Pediatrician doctor is critical condition in the hospital now. Many more of Syrian civilians also were killed and injured.
The military press of RF reports that the preciseness of attack shows that the perpetrators had precise knowledge of their location and were armed by high precision rockets which only Western countries could supply.
Also check 
"The shedding of innocent blood lay on conscious of not only those who launched the rockets, but also those who armed to them," said military attache of RF.

In the meantime look how NATO is playing war games using warships to shadow Russia aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov in Int'l waters of Mediterranean Sea, at 
When this paranoid euro-trash-bozos are going to calm down?

After 3pm in NYC, your show started, paying "Blue Monday," talking about Trump's Taiwan turmoil which antagonized China? Trump talked to President of Taiwan over the phone who congratulated him for victory. We don't know exactly who called who, but you're not happy about the "incident."
You think that might be a set up by inside no-goodniks who already snuck into his administration.

[I assume Taiwanese President made the call. Does Trump has no time to call, because there are too many of them out there. Why he picked Taiwan? You assume it might be influence of Taiwanese lady Elaine Chao he put on top of Transportation Department. She's Mitch McConnell's wife, which makes you define the move as nepotism.
I checked her background. She's accomplished on her own right. She already worked in Department of Transportation, she has been deputy in there. So, this job is not in unknown field for her.]  

Second half of the first hour,
you're still talking about US - China relations ranting about who might be advising Trump behind the scenes. You call the incident major league political fiasco and asking Trump to hear what you're saying right now. You're not happy about some people who came out of nowhere and now are running things by his side, like KellyAnn Conway who previously was almost an unknown pollster. "There are another way to so this," you say.
[Well, I disagree a little bit on this with you. Don't we want fresh people by his side? Mrs. Conway worked very hard and she succeeded, didn't she? I also didn't know her name before.
In the same way, I'm unknown to anyone, am I not? I'm doing political writing for 6y 9mo but my blog is still anonymous, for God's sake. I didn't do this to make money, but inform those who might read about other things with their different aspects that weren't covered by main stream media.
What if he finds out about me now? Would some people say the same things about me? You know what, if I can help him in any way, I'd not give a darn damn about what others say. Others made money and got fame, when I carried my mission as gift to contribute to civil society. To me out society is not civil, at least not as much as I thing "civil" should be. We have no intelligent media, smart media or honest media.
We have big bunch of nobodies who somehow got themselves into a phony business called "journalism." I'm a journalist, I journal things.
I'm also a writer and commentator, I express my opinions and give more info according to many other traits I personally have. I assume 100% of members of the US media and the press don't have my exact education, knowledge, experience in life, outlook to things, skills, mentality, analytic abilities, etc.
When many years ago I was doing real estate, sellers would pay me to go see and criticize their properties, so they'd know what was missing and what to fix.
Why me? Why not those who worked in high end companies (my was middle size) in town? Because those would always say "yes." They weren't completely honest and homeowners would pick up on that. I'd analyze, they'd fix, then they'd give exclusive to those "high-end" ones, who'd have more "connection" or just the name of the company.
Should Trump was my uncle and give me a job I'd be a millionaire right now.
Oh, by the way, to show how far basic-stupid-blabbermouth can go in his career, watch this clip, at
Hairy back, frog-mouth stephenopoupoupoupolous talking psychotic and still has a job. That cuckoo also worked in WH for billy-bob-Clinton, then, afterwords wrote a book airing his "bosses" dirty laundry and degrading him, then taught at Columbia University, now running his mouth on TV and someone like me is disgusted to even be around creeps like that.
Those types drain my brain energy like leaches of intelligence. If I start to do journalism openly, I have to do it all by myself. I'd prefer to live stream actually. With no makeup, nothing. That would be something.
From today's people that I heard visited Trump I didn't like the name al-gorlioni, as you cal him. Why Ivanka needs to talk to him, I don;t know. That creep embarrassed this country in the eyes of Europeans with his fake stuff. He wasn't elected, got crazy and went around the world screaming that's burning down. He made so much money from doing it, but apparently still have some dust left to blow out more.

Second hour,
you're talking about great Chinese General Sun Tzu and his philosophy of warfare, The Art of War and his military strategy of it.

I've got something urgent to do now.

So long.

Sunday, December 4, 2016

To Michael Savage Dec. 3-4, weekend


Sat, the 3rd. Wee hours.
Russian news shows one of neighborhoods of western Aleppo freed by Syrian Army with the help of Russian air-force from t.r.r.sts. People are returning to their homes, which are all in ruins, but happy to be alive and to be back and start new. RF also continuously providing life saving humanitarian aid, at

Russian sappers with their gorgeous service dogs went to clear freed residential areas from mines in western Aleppo, at Russians also did that work in Palmyra.

In the meantime, instead of helping to save innocent people in Syria, our house of reps passed a bill against "Russia's political interference," poiting out that Crimea should't be mentioned as a part of Russian Federation, at

[I swear God, I'd like to stand in front of that building and call out their names one by one. What a bunch of potheads! No wonder overwhelming majority of Americans disapprove the congress's work. To throw the bums out is long overdue.] 

Yesterday Trump announced that Gen. James Mattis is his choice for Secretary of Defense. "He's the best one after George Patton," he said. One of his nicknames is "mad dog." Sounds good to me, at

Also yesterday Taiwan's President called Trump to congratulate for his win and many in social media went berserk.  

Late night; look what Moscowits organized in their subway, which called Metro, you have to see it to believe it, so nice, so romantic, at 
Their metro system is like a museum, every station is an architectural piece.
Sunday, Dec. 4th.
Cuckoo-jill-stein, who surprisingly was able to fund-raise more than $7M for recount in 3 states, refused to put $1M bond for PA recount. In Wisconsin, after 4 days of recount, Trump got 39 more votes.
The woman is a waste of time, what can I say? Instead of medicine she's practicing dirty game of "blabbing-n-money-pocketing."
Isn't that something that lawyer-liars, doctor-fraudsters are in front and center of high politics in this country? We need economists, engineers and military people to fix this mess. And, between government and public, to keep open communication we need people from outside of the sewage pipe of main stream media. Totally clean minds, without infection of bacteria of stupidity. Yes, stupidity is a disease, it's a mental disease, when ine person contaminates the other with sick words.
Do not ever underestimate the power of words. Old sayings give us timeless wisdom. "Words can kill and words can heal," remember? Bible says "In the beginning there was word."
Misinformation, disinformation, public lies and insults, false news, bullying with words, provocations with words can become reasons for killings, unrests, riots and even wars. Yes, wars, even big ones, like the one we just barely avoided between us and RF. I'm not exaggerating. The world is more fragile than we like to believe. Who'd expect that broad daylight 2 biggest buildings in the world could come down in NYC, US of A? No-nody, not one person out of several billions.

Evening; today biggest news is the funeral of Fidel Castro.
No matter how good or bad he has been for who, in the history of humanity his persona was and will be a historic phenomenon.
Cuba, a small Island, has such a known name, "Island of Freedom," that many other much bigger countries do not have.
Romanticism of revolution and freedom lasted many many decades despite economic embargo from
USA. Russia helped its survival tremendously before collapse of former USSR.
Would I like to live in Cuba myself? If I'd be Cuban, maybe yes. See, when you see people have less "stuff" in other place than here, it don't means that those who have more "stuff" are happier.
Happiness is not a tangible commodity and can't be measured by money and things. It's people's state of mind, their value system, the amount of joy in their hearts and souls for small basic and humane things in life. Not everyone who has his own airplane and yacht feel happy. Far from it. It's always another one, which is bigger and there are no people who love you because you have so much. The opposite is true. Everybody around you wants a part of it, all of it, or want you dead altogether, so you won't enjoy life.
In a place where is less stuff to worry about, people are more open to each other and their sincere interaction without spite, paranoia and psychosis gives them strength.
Depression, anxiety and paranoia are more specific for our society.

Oh, well, I'd love to see Cuba right now, today, which is a historic time. Alas no time and nerve to go there. To me it has only one way, - to go toward capitalism with its good and bad sides. Could the people of Island pull through a system like in China? I hope, but highly doubt it.
Millions of people lined up by the roads where the procession carrying his aches were driven through. I see young people carrying placards like "Los jueves no fallaremos."
Here is a clip from last farewell to Fidel Castro in Cuba,
at, also
He's interred in famous cemetery where the forefather/apostle of Cuban revolution Jose Marti is buried. His ashes are put inside a big rock in that cemetery, which is in Santiago city where he started his revolutionary career. Here is the rock, at
Yes, he was a career revolutionary through and through. Never changed. I may disagree with issues, but I respect people who have convictions.
Some might say he killed many, some say he saved many. Often the time is the best judge.

Next year is 100th anniversary of Russian revolution, In Russia there are lots of programs with intellectual discussions and forums about its historic aspect. Was it good or bad, right or wrong?
For who, how much and for how long?
Opinions vary, some defer 180 degrees. To me, what's done is done. It's called "history" for reason.
We have to discus the past with cool heads, learn from it and build a better life.
Ranting and bickering is not going to change anything to better in the streets today, it can only worsen our nervous system. That's all.

Paul Ryan said that he and Trump are talking often over the phone (from 20-40min. conversations) and are on the same page on immigration. That instead of trying to deport 11 million illegals they're going to concentrate to do something with those who're illegal and committed violent crimes.
He's so stupid that he can contaminate someone's brain if that someone is next to him. He says clearly that they want to enforce only those laws or part of immigration laws. Then, he said instead of entire border, we want to build a wall only in certain places.
Are you serious, you-bozo-Ryan-you? How Trump can listen to this creep?
He looks very weird to me. He has awkward looks; his hair color is not in tune with his eye color, his ears are too big, his mouth is crooked and cuckoo things come out of it.
Is it a wrong impression or he's really a weirdo from inside out.
How someone of that position can openly say that we're choosing to enforce whatever part of the law we want? How about the other parts, you-weirdo-you?

So long.