Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Go Trump Go! July 29th, Wednesday, 2015 A.D. (part 4)

Mr. Trump,

I heard you today on Savage Nation. I like your conversation like interviews where you come cross genuine and authentic. You really do not need an image maker, you're already a brand on your own.
The only think I can suggest is that instead of giving an opinion or comment, if you have poll's result or statistic, just bring the numbers and point out the source.
Why do I say that? To me personally, that type of approach is more serious. That's just the way I want to hear the information or comment. After that I can double check and get over it.
But, when you say "those people are doing it" no matter what type of people you're referring to
(in the last case were illegal Mexicans), your words can misconstrued and twisted fast and easy.
You know that the only white christian people, who are majority and paying for the rest can be attacked and mocked in this country, don't you?
For the rest, show the numbers and question the source. Only then, come to conclusion with a big ? mark. Let the listener come to the conclusion on their own. For informed, smart and demanding public start your sentences with word "because." That's the way I like it, that's the way you can cut off almost all the vicious intellectual shenanigans and mind games to average crowd controlled by main stream media.
For example......
I can write the examples to you.
We're home, we're not running in the streets, we don't want to fight in the streets, we're not thugs, we're not a mob and we're THE silent majority of this country. Just to stand up for our equal rights with the rest in our country will guarantee your success in politics. It might not be easy, but it's definitely simple. Everybody should have equal rights. What's wrong with that?
About quarter of century living in this country I didn't see it, didn't experience it and
You're a genius in negotiating, I'm not. Worse than that; I hate the process. I'm too soft for it.
You told Savage about "topping" stage in negotiating process referring to Iran deal. I don't know what it is and got something to read and learn today.
I have most of your books and I'll briefly go through them to refresh my knowledge about your work.

Best regards.  


Monday, July 27, 2015

Go Trump go! July 27, 2015 Monday (part 3)

Mr. Trump,

Yes, it's true, it's 2015 now.
After 4 years and 5 months from the first posting in this blog (in April 28, 2011) I'm gladly back, because you're back in politics. Very good move. You're back and burning some fake trees down. Speaking out your mind alright. That's the way it suppose to be, but unfortunately most people in politics are born masters of lying. That's why you're being attacked so brutally. So far so good though. You're high on polls and going strong. Would you get the GOP nomination? Let's not worry about it right now. That's an old boys club that you're not member of, but don't let that bother you a bit. Whatever you're saying is having impact and don't need confirmation.
I'll try to analyze your work from the eyes of an American who is impartial and patriotic. I have not voted in my life. Didn't like any of candidates and didn't care to go and do something that anyone could do in NYC. I mean ANYONE. Earning my citizenship through merit doesn't mean anything in here. So, I decided not to upset myself more and did not bother with that. Sad. I believe I have potential to do great things that I haven't got a chance to do only because of circumstances out of my control. Of course being naturally self-dependent, shy and decent lady with no roots and connections in this country doesn't help at all.

Getting on with the business of your campaign. I'll be using to check and double check the info published in the media and the press.
Off top of my head let me thank you from the bottom of my heart for insulting warmonger McCain.
Suggestion #1.
The only thing that you should be copying from Obama's campaign is his very effective electronic
service organization. Hire every tech expert who worked in that capacity for him.
Comment #1.
Sue every paper and media outlet who distorted your words telling public that you're badmouthed Mexican immigrants. You didn't. You said the truth about "illegals."
Suggestion #2.
Hire me as your immigration consultant. conceptual and analyst. No one knows or will be able to find out more about bring-America-down project than I. Not only that I know the process of naturalization, but I'm a journalist who has way higher IQ, diverse education and training, logic, common sense and analytical skills than any out there in main stream media.
Just yesterday I watched a little interview on yahoo with one person from Cato institute and a democrat strategist where both lied through their teeth distorting your words.
Suggestion #3.
Sue Yahoo and those 2 guests, maybe even the reporter who set the whole thing up. Sue, sue and sue and sue some more. Unless you do it, no one else can. Hire me to represent your case in the court.
I'm ready, willing and more than able to ask them Q and burn their reputation down. I can't wait. 99% of American media is infested with lying vermin of universe who know nothing about anything.
There are only handful of voices in wilderness trying to tell the way things really are and those can be shut down too.

Will it be easy to tear the nasty cover of discrimination, distortion and lies from the heads of majority in this country?  Maybe not. Would it be impossible? Absolutely not. With a man of your possibilities and with the help of people like myself it can be done.
Actually I'm going to write a plan of disinfecting American media and the press from their chronic deceases such as stupidity and veminism. I'll use my skills in medicine to diagnose and prescribe a cure. See, I already came up with a abbreviation; SVD (Stupid-Verminism-Disorder). Maybe Stupidly-Vermanic-Disorder? You pick and choose.
The plan I will not publish in here, so your adversaries won't get it. I'll let them be stupid.
I'll try to get it to you through your campaign. Oh, by the way. Savage is right saying that there are spies and enemies in every campaign. I agree with having healthy dose of paranoia. As a writer, I always double check my facts and do not trust and repeat anyone's words unless I heard them myself.

Comment #2.
You did right to ban Des Moines Register from your event in Iowa last Saturday, the 25th.
Good for you! That's your right, that was your picnic. They mess with you talking and acting like thugs, you kick their big fat dirty and ugly mouths out of your way. That's just fair! Normal paper wouldn't allow itself to tell anyone to drop out of anything, unless the person asked for money and/or approval. Who do they think they are? To me, they're nobodies with self-destructive and twisted minds! A bunch of pathetic losers, potheads surviving on paper gig. They're jealous!

I guess this is all for wee hours of the morning today. It's 4am, 75F with rain in NYC.
I'm also following you on Twitter for a long time already, I'll be re-twitting some of your stuff, so