Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Go Trump Go! July 29th, Wednesday, 2015 A.D. (part 4)

Mr. Trump,

I heard you today on Savage Nation. I like your conversation like interviews where you come cross genuine and authentic. You really do not need an image maker, you're already a brand on your own.
The only think I can suggest is that instead of giving an opinion or comment, if you have poll's result or statistic, just bring the numbers and point out the source.
Why do I say that? To me personally, that type of approach is more serious. That's just the way I want to hear the information or comment. After that I can double check and get over it.
But, when you say "those people are doing it" no matter what type of people you're referring to
(in the last case were illegal Mexicans), your words can misconstrued and twisted fast and easy.
You know that the only white christian people, who are majority and paying for the rest can be attacked and mocked in this country, don't you?
For the rest, show the numbers and question the source. Only then, come to conclusion with a big ? mark. Let the listener come to the conclusion on their own. For informed, smart and demanding public start your sentences with word "because." That's the way I like it, that's the way you can cut off almost all the vicious intellectual shenanigans and mind games to average crowd controlled by main stream media.
For example......
I can write the examples to you.
We're home, we're not running in the streets, we don't want to fight in the streets, we're not thugs, we're not a mob and we're THE silent majority of this country. Just to stand up for our equal rights with the rest in our country will guarantee your success in politics. It might not be easy, but it's definitely simple. Everybody should have equal rights. What's wrong with that?
About quarter of century living in this country I didn't see it, didn't experience it and
You're a genius in negotiating, I'm not. Worse than that; I hate the process. I'm too soft for it.
You told Savage about "topping" stage in negotiating process referring to Iran deal. I don't know what it is and got something to read and learn today.
I have most of your books and I'll briefly go through them to refresh my knowledge about your work.

Best regards.