Sunday, August 2, 2015

Go Trump Go! August 2nd, Sunday, 2015 (part 5)

Mr. Trump,

I saw a part of an interview where you put a reporter where she belonged to, telling her she didn't know what she was talking about. Entire main street media is a puppet theater where independent and smart person with strong convictions and values have no place whatsoever. Make no mistake.
If you have known one of two in your lifetime, you're lucky.
As in most of everything else in life, there are exceptions. And, those types of exceptions are rare, meaning they're not even a percent, they're much less. Out of 100 reporters you can get one decent one in NY or in USA? No way!
The truth is not in the putting. The Truth to me is what you can show not who you can say it.
Unless you show what's really going on, highly trained masters of minds' manipulations will do all they can to misconstrue your words and thus your image.
What do I mean by that? Am I so cautious or afraid of them? Not me, I'm not running for anything. I'm not belong to any political, religious or even social group. Never even voted for anyone on any level or place.
But,... I'll will, should you continue to stay strong and keep your steam up. It might get hot and cold from time to time, but most important thing is that you keep going forward. You have more people behind your back that you can possibly see or hear from. No matter who difficult it gets "do NOT let your heart be troubled" as Sean H. quotes from St. John frequently.
Today I remember a quote from ancient Greek philosopher A. that I used to use in my prayers often when I came to USA about quarter of century ago. I was so enthusiastic to do big things and do them fast and easy.
After the first decade in here it started subsiding, after the second one the hope gradually fainted.
Last a few years I've got into "keep believing in miracles" mode and left it for who ever makes them and give them away.
I respect Savage, because he says that he stands for innocent and not connected. I've been and I'm still both of those. On top of being decent and over-educated didn't help me at all.
These words are not new words for me to just come up with, I said those things in my blogs addressed to Savage. Can he help me? No, I don't think so. Do I agree with him 100%. No, but more than 90%of the time. To me that's good enough. I do not have illusion of liking anything for 100%. God didn't create everything perfect, but it has been a source of goodness in human mind.

I'm going to follow your site and comment on election developments. How do I let you know about it? Do not know yet. I can be help to you in certain aspects of global politics that no one can. I mean no one. I can tell you and possibly show you things in our city that no one has access to. No Mayer, no Governor, no media has access to it and never-ever reports on those things. Those are not simple, daily insignificant things, those are legal issues of serious types. Talking of violations of "human rights" and "civil rights"? Let me be on your side and shut your competition's big, fat lying mouth! Most of your competition doesn't know what's going on in here locally and in the world - globally. The rest are just blabbing lies written by others through their teeth. Take away their papers and teleprompters they would not know where they are.
You suggest to check all political candidates' blood for control substances. Because you're the only one that looks sober to me, it give me hope that their phony enthusiasm calling you names will fade fast. The "speech therapists and image makes" suddenly will NOT be useful against the truth, which to me is only the FACT. I want you to take and give only FACTUAL TRUTH.
What do I mean by that? For example; I see how they ganged-up on you for talking about "illegal" immigration from Mexico. Race groups filed out the pages on their pathetic newspapers and times on media. Some even made good money on selling Trump-piniada.
Do not tell, show the numbers next time and ask them is this right? Let them answer to their own Qs.
Then say' "you said that, didn't you?" Like JC did.
Come up with Piniadas of your adversaries. You'll be surprised how many you'd sell.
Sue, sue and sue on everything wrong coming your way. Unleash a hurricane of lawsuits. File out the courthouses with lawyers, psychologists and couple of decent, independent journalists like myself.
They will not stand a chance  of winning. Judges in their right mind will not jeopardize their benches. Go around not only with videographer, but simple live-stream, so we can follow you at anytime.
It will send a massage like nothing else.
On behalf of you give me a live-stream and let me be in town going about my business.
Media's dark mirror of crooked-lies, deceits and extortion of the reality of this society will start cracking up in front of the world. It's difficult for one person like me, but if I'd have your support, I'll turn things around - big time!
There is a global war looming in Eastern Europe, American booths and tax dollars are getting there on daily bases. Entire media complex is not reporting or saying exactly opposite of what's going on.
It's a fake problem created in DC by handful of greedy warmongers and can be solved in DC by simply exposing the real news to American public. Not doing so can bring us to disastrous times when talking about daily issues will be a luxury, if not impossible.
May God bless your family for letting you to do this. It's a sacrifice, especially for your baby-boy.
We, your fans, understand and appreciate that.

Best regards.

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