Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Trump is trouncing! Aug. 19th, Wednesday (part 8)

Trump is trouncing!
Good job! Keep answering straight to vermin in the media, who are trained to ask Qs backwards.
They're not journalists, they're minor crooks, most of them. Their trade is to ask Qs in confusing structure and right away misuse it against the person.
Suggestion; more they try to push your buttons, harder you push back.
It's great that they can't anger you. I watched your visit to other states and the debates.
After getting under couple of people's skins, recently you said that you're going to watch your mouth out and be a little more political. I don't know why? I like to hear someone straight forward having guts to call things by their names.

You are suing Univision for $500 Million? Good news.

Suggestion: Sue every and each network that misinterprets your words. 
Have people with live-stream to go out in the streets and report. Just show. No commentaries needed for truth. People will see the facts.
That will start a capital clean-up of verminism (my word, just made it up) in the main street media. Sue, sue and sue more and more and more and every day.

Suggestion: Announce quarantine against infectious diseases called "lie" in main stream media. 
Only you can do it because you're independent minded and have your own means. Please do it!

I'm going to get your book "Time to get tough." I heard a audio sample from it saying; "it won't be morning in America" but "mourning in America" if we won't make America great again.
Maybe, just maybe this was the time I was looking to restart my career in journalism. I couldn't and wouldn't work for anybody in that field. There are several reasons for it, which I'll write about, should you want to find out and take advantage of my skills, knowledge, education and experience.
Archimedes (c 287 BC- c 212 BC) said "Give me a place to stand and with a lever I'll move the whole world."
Or, in other translation, "Give me a place to stand and I shall move the earth."

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