Dear Mr. Trump,
Rumor has it that another crooked lady competitor of yours collecting money for fraudulent activity called "recounting" of votes. Of course those jackals are not going to go away easily; politics is their career, their business, their life. What else do you expect?
But... Don't forget that you have an invisible army of silent people behind your back who don't go to streets screaming. We don't want to be physically attacked, but we're here and we hear and see everything. I personally saw people voting without showing any ID. They didn't asked for mine either. I'm an American citizen and I had it with me, but what about others? I know so many illegals who work for cash for many years in NYC and they do whatever they want and no one asks them Qs.
Sanctuary city is "maybe" a good idea if they'd be the city all by themselves; - by illegals, for illegals. We, the citizens, also live here, work, pay taxes and... most importantly there are more of us than them. How come nobody asks us what do we want? Where is the democracy for majority?
Please DO NOT soften up. DO NOT change your style, if any. be even louder and more forceful in your vision, now that you've got the job. You ran like a lone Lion into a dark forest of politics full of poisonous snakes, huge packs of hyenas, hordes of armed and dangerous traitors of this country.
You might expect that. That was not unbelievable.
What unbelievable was and still is that we all saw that those who get paid for reporting what's going on in and out the fight in that forest and must inform us - the people, shamelessly, publicly joined the chased against you using their poisonous tongues to have you defeated. Those SOBs are 5th column for sure. For real! If they're against the law of the land of this county and don't want basic safety for survival for themselves and their families that'd be OK if they'd live together in some remote island. But they live with us and around us and are endangering our softy and security.
To become a US Citizen I had to pledge the legions to the Constitution of the US and swear to protect it from enemies foreign and domestic. Domestic enemy is more lethal, more dangerous, it's harder to spot on. Main stream media is full of mostly poisonous snakes who act in sheep's skin pretending to do the honorable work of informing public. Nothing can be further from the truth and the only truth! They're acing against the interests of this country by simply distorting the truth. Should they pretend that that's how they understand things, then they should not be in that business because of mental retardation. You gave interviews to walking cadavers, who should be retired from the screens a long time ago. Those who are on top of "information industry" run it like a club of "who knows who."
Let's clean that swamp first.
Without a new, healthy (healed from hazardous dirt) ground for news and information this country will be condemned to go down sooner or later. You might definitely slow down the process, but that's not good enough. This swamp is not a regular sh.t, it's a life hazard to us - the good, law abiding, educated, decent, loyal citizens of this country.
It's so absolutely poisonous in every way, - emotionally, intellectually, psychologically, that can't wear anything with Trump sign on it as a precaution for my psychical safety. None of my neighbors know I voted for you. They still have H signs on their apartments' doors.
I lived in NYC for quarter of century already. After graduating from University in overseas and working as an Int'l journalist for American Independent newspaper in NY, I relocated, lived on my own and grow up in here.
Becoming an American journalist was my dream. When I started to see, hear, read, learn and experience and got puzzled, then more puzzled and puzzled some more. Why? A long, 25 years of story. Although I was learning every day I wasn't willing to put my name, thoughts and ideas next to those in media who don't seem too nice toward their own country, to say the least. Never applied for any reporter job anywhere. Kept my name clean as clean can get. Never was a member of a social or political party, even a club or a group. I'm so straight with Almighty, that's not funny for those sold outs.
My conscious is clear, my background is honorable, my mind is alert, my heart is receptive and my future can be bright, because you won.
I didn't sit on sidelines and waited something to come down on me. I didn't like what was around me,
so I took a pen of my own. Six years ago I started a blog directed to Michael Savage - my favorite talk show host. I made it like a conversation, serious of letters, maybe even just like a monologue.
Does he read it? I hope so, but I can't be sure.
"Why Michael Savage; is he the easy one, a simple one, the one who wants to hear from his listeners and takes calls from them nicely?" you might ask. Absolutely NOT. Actually, the opposite if true. But, something is very interesting happening for years; most of the thoughts passing through my mind, he put it in words and say it out loud right then and there. Also, those could be not basic daily things, those could be very complicated subjects. More often then not I find myself speechless while listening to his show. Is there a telepathy between our minds? I don't know, just trying to tell you what are my views and convictions. He's older, but faster and harsher than me. I'd definitely treat my callers with more respect. My blog is at, has been and still is anonymous and completely free. No fees or donations of any kind, no pics, no ads. It's done for my soul only.
When in 2011 you said that you would like to run, I opened this blog to encourage and help you. Then, you changed your mind, gave it a rest and I've got discouraged. Somehow I didn't delete those couple of postings from 2011. Interesting, isn't it?
Last year when you announced that you were running again, I didn't know what to think. What if you'd try again and let it go again? After all your hand are full of family and business. Why'd you even consider to live a mean life full of stress?
Look at your "colleagues" ruling countries around the world - despots, tyrants, dictators, heads of human and drugs trafficking cartels, monarchs, etc. Only EU and Russia suppose to be good to us, but EU is totally running out of its mind warmongering against Russian and will try to do anything to take us with them to pay for it. They need a war. Bigger the better and were working on it for sometime. Look at NATO, it's mission, its activities, expanses and tell us what you see.
I see a tremendous bureaucracy with a price tag of billions which perpetrates conflicts paid by American taxpayers. The target? - Russian Federation, what else?
They created a war between 2 Slavic brethren - Ukrainians and Russian. Who wants both of them dead? Of course, Germany.
Do you think they paid for their atrocities, swallowed their pride, put up with defeat and let it go?
No, Merkel's grandfather is still turning in his grave, coming to her dreams every night and says "go get them fatty, you ate too much, you too spoiled, you need to do something big, fatso, who do you think I died for? You're disgrace not worth breathing air!"
Do you think I'm joking? The way I put out things might sound funny, but it's not fun to get engaged in 3rd world war with Russia.
Vermin in the media (as Dr. Savage calls them) and the press-titutes (I call the press) are craving blood and coughing foam from their mouths while dreaming about the war. Bigger the batter for them. More garbage to throw on uninformed public, more money can be made on ads for lawyers, doctors and pharmaceuticals. Am I against them? No. I just want them to use usual money like the rest of us, not bloody currency.
By looking the sheer volume of my blog you could see how much I had to share with my unknown readers. I had more than that. I always know more than I wrote about. It's my principal.
I started writing to you when you starts running, but because of time constraints I put my thoughts in one blog, the one addressed to Savage, then was too much work for me to separate the parts which pertain to your campaign to cut and put into
Reading you can get familiar with the spectrum of news I cover and/or comment on. Also there are my own life experiences and memories which had relevance to current affairs of the date.
Nobody has my specific education, knowledge, language skills, experience in life to talk about things that I know and able to say things the way I can.
Should you give me a chance to talk to you to explain my project how to drain the swamp of
mass-ively-filty media, I'll get on with my work of bringing the house of cards down. You give me the ground and I'll turn the mill on. To me, US business of news and information is a swamp which has house of shiny cards on it. You take the hose, I'll turn on the wind mill. Nobody has my vision how to do it. It's not going to be easy, but it's certainly doable.
I can tell you things that are going on in NYC, paid by government, local and federal, that you never will believe unless you see them with your own eyes. That's what I want to do - to show.
Show, show and only show. Save myself energy from not doing commentary. Wouldn't it be nice?
Look how Hollywood and media are playing games on us like 2 card monte, thinking all of us are stupid. Let me show them who's stupid now. You can't let them to use you like that and make money.
They should pay you to interview you. That's all. You'll give it to charity, or pay to hire people who'll help me technically.
Thanks for refusing to take the President's paycheck, but if you change your mind, I can tell you where we can put that money to help turn the world to a much better place.
Please do not pay attention to my grammar. This blog is like a scrape paper, like a hard-copy for me.
I don't have time or energy to to read it again. I just put out my thoughts and most of the time don't even look back. My sentences are long, because my first language had long words, long and complicated syntax compare to English. English is a short language with short words. I'm trying to be shorter and simpler, but don't succeed all the time. I never had even one class of English language in my life. I learned myself from the streets of NYC and children's books. I love children's books.
Now, actually, I write children's stories for therapy. Everybody needs therapy.
Everyone, who is not on drugs, smoke, alcohol, who still has his/hers intellect and feelings intact,
still sensitive to good and bad in life and lives in a huge city like New York, needs therapy.
I do my own with writing and ready to do it with talking. When I'll start talking, it will be hard stopping me, because I have 25 years of material accumulated. None of those on TV and radio have the same thing.
That's all for now. God bless Trump family!
Anna NYC
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