Wednesday, November 30, 2016

To Michael Savage Nov. 30th, Wednesday


Afternoon, your show will start in a few minutes.

Look at this desperate attempt of Kiev's thugs to keep themselves in the attention of the West - EU and US. Now, that Trump is elected and he promised to take a different look between US and RF relations, they're panicking and actually taking dangerous actions to get that attention. What they'' do without the West's money anyway? That's their survival, - their meal ticket.
Yesterday one of the previous big-shot-idiots of Kiev's government had an article published in WSJ saying "we know you're busy, but please don't forget us." He's a snake oil salesman, sold out soul for $ and so fat got weapons and killed his own brethren.
He should be taken to int'l tribunal and be shot on live TV, should anyone ask for my opinion. Look at that vermin; looks like one, walks like one, talks like one, oversaw killings of several 1000s if his own in his own country and asking us to keep feeding him and arming him and his co-criminals.
What am I talking about? Here is the report, at
Ukraine is doing some air force training exercises very close or inside the border like of Crimea hoping that Russia will retaliate. Kremlin sent a protest letter to Kiev stating that they're encroaching
and their territory, didn't let them know about the plan and that that's 's illegal.
The answer from military "big shot" of UA is at 2:08min., into the tape, saying that they can do whatever they want to and don't need to let know anyone at advance.
Obviously asking for trouble, they're planing to start racket launching from tomorrow for 2 days.

Provoking Putin using Kiev's thugs ordered and paid by WH. O personally can't stand him, it's only and only personal. There is nothing RF does that can be against our interests. They're our natural allies against Islamist treats in this new world order mess. Whatever that man in military uniform says has no weight, because UA's entire neo-nazi media complex is talking, heralding and encouraging to "bring back" Crimea. They treat that place like a soil with no people on them.
One of their big cuckoos called ethnic Russians and thus people in Donbass "genetically inferior." Where are our "journalists?" Why they don't cover this?
Look what big shots in Kiev used to say about Trump when he was running;
Arsen-Avakov, the head of Ministry of Interior (pretty powerful man in that country) called Trump "a marginal person."
Another one, none less than UA's ambassador to UN himself, called him a "clown flown out of coils."
Now, when power is about shifting in WH, they're taking on flying bombs under and into the nose of RF to intimidating it to respond, then cry foul and get their patron, the WH and US congress back.
I call it a "dangerous shack down" of American taxpayer.
Hope I see the day that Trump from WH will announce Kiev's thugs Int'l criminals and will call to prosecute and put them down. O pray for it to happen, not because I have anyone there or I will ever have, but because several thousand of innocent people, among them 100's of children, were bombed and murdered in their own soil, in their homes and on the way to their jobs.
It so amazing that because those are white Christians, western media totally is not covering it.
Like the war in Dinabass don't even exists, while even today shots are being fired and bombs are being dropped on civilians by Kiev's neo-nazi thugs.

Your show started, you're ranting about Ohio State University attack by and our officials complacency to silence and cover up of the real reasons behind Islamist attacks. You call O an "islamophile" saying that's is opposite of "islamophobe."
It's not really that interesting to me. I know he's no-goodnik all together.

Second hour you talked about Polosi continuing her position, which looks like a monopoly in politics. Some cadavers like her and McCain live forever.
Then you were asking those who had sexualOCD to call to share their experiences about how they recovered from it. It wasn't interesting to me either.

Many other small news, such as OPEC meeting and madam Pelosi's earning of new lease in the clock,
but the main one for me is Trump's consideration of Romney. I'm puzzled as many of his loyalists including KellyAnne Conway. She openly expressed discontent against Romney. We, those who want to see normal people come to power, don't want to have someone who's taking garbage out.
Maybe it's not a bad thing on of itself, but when the man is a multimillionaire, his wife is stay home lady, they SURE have a help around the house. How come the garbage came down to him to take out?

Yesterday evening he had a dinner with mittens-romney and rinse-prebath in Trump Int'l Tower and Hotel's restaurant. Vermin in the media immediately cried foul, saying that he suppose to be for middle class low class people.
What dining in an expensive place got to do with "betraying" anyone's interests? Aren't they middle and low economic class people who work in there? The cook, the bus boy, the waitress, the cleaning personnel, the maintenance guys, the vendors?

It's so amazing how many vicious, vile and jealous people putting their stupid thoughts out in the "media." Media wasn't bad enough, now a fat-vermin-O'Donnell tried to pick on 10 years old Barron.
It's good that Ms. Melania is suing.
Someone has to come out to put all of them in garbage one by one, by words, by actions, by lawsuits. WHO? Perhaps ME?!! I can do with words. When? I'm thinking about it, putting the puzzle together, so help me God.

So long.

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