Sunday, December 27, 2015

Go Trump Go Merry Christmas, Dec. 25, 26, 27, holiday long weekend edition

Mr. Trump,

Please follow my other blog at
Everything I would like you to read or know about is in there. I can copy it on this blog, but it will overwhelm the space.
I want to keep this lighter and clearer just for specific stuff addressed to you.

You're doing OK in the polls. You need to enjoy your holiday cheers, - precious time with your family with good food and fun. Don't worry about the numbers in the media.
Should I get a chance to talk to you, you'll see that my project of "how to change the media" is one of a kind. I mean the main stream media, I mean the vermin in the media, not 100% of the media.
Nobody has the idea and no one can realize it.
My goal is to meet with you next year and be able to get a time to explain and show what I've in my huge project.
That's the only goal for me for the next year right now.

Happy Holidays, peace and joy to everyone who is reading this blog.
Enjoy every bid of beauty of this wonderful season!


Sunday, November 15, 2015

Go Trump Go Nov. 15th, Sunday A D (part 12)

Mr. Trump,

After my last post I have posted my thoughts about politics, news and political news in my other
blog which I have for more than 5.5 years. Addressed to 3 most-listened-to-talk-show-host Michael Savage, recently I wrote almost every day. There are lots of things about you and addressed to you, so I can just take the part and paste it in here.
But, please, news is overwhelming and before I get a chance to do it, just go there and check it out.
It's at

Especially in today's post I wrote about what I want to do and how we can help each other.
I wrote about my plan of action to start working on preventing this country from getting into bloodbath in our streets, as Paris did in last 2 day.
It didn't happen in France suddenly. It's not a coincident and can't be taken as a spontaneous thing and exception.
It was coming for many years. between 2006-2008 I lived in South France and saw the shift in society. Hostility between different religions, including in between Muslim groups themselves, were tearing up the social fabric of that nation, the way I know it by their literature, culture, history.
They became nobodies in their own country. And that can come here. We already have silent majority, how much more we can take to just psychically survive? Are we so low, lost our ways, become a Halloween pumpkin, woos, cupcake, a whip cream? Common!
We can do something about this before it's too late. I really put my bet on you and your abilities.
You are the last hope for those who believe we need a smart and strong man to protect this country.

I have been Savage's listener for many years and I think he covers wider range of topics than his
close competitors. Although they're good too, - Rush, Sean and Mark, but they don't have that gut feeling and sensitive sense of smell. Savage screams his heart out for this country.
He called you "Churchill of our time," remember?  Did you like it?  I guess you did.
There is only one man, retired Russian history professor (that I hear on radio), - Stephan F.Cohen, who makes sense. Not only we don't need to be in cold or hot war with Russia, but just the opposite, it's necessary for our survival to work them to destroy the monster coming at from Middle East.
Some are already here, the rest our el-jefe O wants to bring as Trojan Horses in hordes.
Come to think of it; he is an honest man. He told American people that he's going to fundamentally change this country and is doing good job so far. Most of it with a stoke of a pen. A magic one.
Isn't this nice?
For the future of your wonderful and beautiful family and the rest, we, the concerned citizens of this country, should get together and start taking action. Action not only to talk about things which are bad and/or wrong, but actually do tangible things to change and/or fix them.
I'm ready.
"Your assignment in life should become your obsession," Dr. Mike Murdoch says in his preaching.
Yes, I believe we can do, this should we get together and start as soon as possible.
We have no other choice, anyway.

Best regards.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Go Trump Go! Nov. 5th, Thursday (part 11)

Mr. Trump,

To show you how important for the world's safety your success is, I'm going to point out some of things come out of your opponents' insane minds, which give me creeps.
I said not crazy, dear readers of this blog, I said insane.
Look at At 27:37min and tell me if this woman is not infected with Mad Cow disease. Top it off with misery shown on her face and,....
there goes your "perfect neighborhood," previously called good old US of A.
She is insane. Why would I say that? Is this controversial, not nice? Politically incorrect? What? This idiot is openly, passionately is asking for WWIII and the end of the world.
Why wouldn't she go first, if that will save the rest of us?

That's why you need someone like me. Do not hire me officially, so you get blamed for someone being strongly opinionated and brave to tell the truth.

I believe at all time, you should call names right back to your competitors, when needed!
You should look presidential, although I personally would like to see the casual side and spontaneity.
I'll do the dirty work. I'll call her ugly and insane on every national network, - live! I'm not running for any type of office and never will. Not my cop of tea. Somebody has to tell the truth and call things by their names. Let it be me.
I draw great pleasure in telling the truth. Let me do the dirty work. I have nothing to lose.

Savage is right about Rubio. He is an ice-cream man. He should be driving an ice-cream truck.
Chris is so fat that no one in their mind would vote for him just for a fear of him dropping d..d.

Bush? We all tired of him, he is low-energy and going toward no-energy.
Carson seems not to see. His eyes are semi-opened.
Sometimes he looks like he's blind and not all there. He has no energy to keep up with rigorous job
of the President. He can consult you on some issues, I guess.

Also that Carly-character was telling you that "leader elevates people." I agree.
Actually I can add "a real leader turns around and elevated one person at the time."
Next time you see here, ask her for me "who she elevated yesterday?"

The rest are all losers. You don't have a serious competition.

Best regards.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Go Trump Go! Nov. 4th, Wed, still 2015 (part 10)

Yesterday I was at your book signing. I wrote about it briefly in my blog to Michael Savage at He needs to know what's going on in NYC.
I'm doing the above blog for 5.5 years already with no expectations in return. None. No name, no fame. Just for my soul as a citizen.
You can also read the daily news from Russia in there.
Last a few days unfortunately news coverage is dominated by the aftermath of tragedy which shook that country; 224 innocent people coming back home from vocation are dead, 25 of them children. The biggest catastrophe in the history of Russian civil aviation.
In the future, should I intensify my writing to you, I can just make it faster for you and put the news on this page also.

Should I take a liberty to have a suggestion?
I'd ask you to send a telegram to President of Russian Federation and the Governor of Saint Petersburg - Georgy Sergeyevich Poltavchenko with condolences and even ask what you can do to help. In my humble opinion this will show what kind of a compassionate person and potential statesman you are.
I always ask myself first; what would I do in the other person's place? That's how I came up with this suggestion. That's what I'd do.
Should miracle happen and we meet to talk politics, I'm going to show you a step by step plan how you can get into hearts and minds of Russian Intelligentsia. People of culture and its elite are more influential on Russian people's minds, hearts and souls than politicians in general. Some are quite respected, Putin has real high popularity (which our el-jefe-O can't stand) but there is also an opposition. But simple human approach to people in tragedy extended also to those indirectly effected by it, can only spread warmth, love and yield more compassion.
You'll be acknowledged and blessed by so many you don't even know.
I want your name to slowly but surely get into people's ears in Russia and than in Europe.
Do you want me to interview you and we'll put anywhere you want in cyberspace starting from Twitter? Let's do it. Also you'll get an idea about me and my interviewing skills. See if you like it.
Also we can make it simpler than an interview, maybe just a little thought exchange and solemn conversation about human tragedy in general?
Then we'll send to those in charge of taking care of effected and wish them strength and patience.
No one has guarantees in life, that's for sure. I always remember that. I have seen tragedies, I have seen disaster. I worked at the time of emergency as a nurse.

For now I'm done. All I can say "Comme vous voulez, Monsieur" and hope for the best.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Go Trump go! Nov. 3rd. Tuesday, 2015 AD (part 9)

Your'e signing your new book today and I'm going to be there.
I'm watching, following local and Int'l politics, watched the debates. You're the star so far. Do what you're doing best; speak your mind and don't worry.
In Russia, political and intellectual elite is paying attention to American local politics, and your name couple of times already came out in high-end political discussion programs.
Those types we don't have in here. Ours are one-sided, phony, done with low-information "experts."
Usually all foreigners are on the side of democrats because those give out more freebies.
At this time will Hillary, who already had ugly exchanges with Putin, RF's experts lean toward Republican.
Foreign governments do not Republicans because those tend to spend more money on defense. That's an expansionism in their view. The US already has 800 bases around the world and keeps growing.
That's at least Russian Federation's approach. In terms of borrowing money, as the most of the rest of the world is doing, they do not need. They need to be left alone. Those economic sanction are a proof of insanity. Putting NATO's nose into Russian's backyard is another complex disease of mind, body and soul together, which can turn terminal at any given time.
Maybe I'll come up for with a word for it later. Now it's 4am and I need some sleep before coming to your book signing.
Just saw this; report says that with help of Russian air-force from above Syrian army took control of a road called "road of life" stretching from Hama to Aleppo.
You need someone who speaks Russian and can show you the right sources to compare what you can see here. I mean, you can not even see anything in here, besides some clips, photos and mumbling. American media either don't say anything or says exactly opposite. I wonder what kind of mental disorder can be compared with this constant behavior in our news reporting.


Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Trump is trouncing! Aug. 19th, Wednesday (part 8)

Trump is trouncing!
Good job! Keep answering straight to vermin in the media, who are trained to ask Qs backwards.
They're not journalists, they're minor crooks, most of them. Their trade is to ask Qs in confusing structure and right away misuse it against the person.
Suggestion; more they try to push your buttons, harder you push back.
It's great that they can't anger you. I watched your visit to other states and the debates.
After getting under couple of people's skins, recently you said that you're going to watch your mouth out and be a little more political. I don't know why? I like to hear someone straight forward having guts to call things by their names.

You are suing Univision for $500 Million? Good news.

Suggestion: Sue every and each network that misinterprets your words. 
Have people with live-stream to go out in the streets and report. Just show. No commentaries needed for truth. People will see the facts.
That will start a capital clean-up of verminism (my word, just made it up) in the main street media. Sue, sue and sue more and more and more and every day.

Suggestion: Announce quarantine against infectious diseases called "lie" in main stream media. 
Only you can do it because you're independent minded and have your own means. Please do it!

I'm going to get your book "Time to get tough." I heard a audio sample from it saying; "it won't be morning in America" but "mourning in America" if we won't make America great again.
Maybe, just maybe this was the time I was looking to restart my career in journalism. I couldn't and wouldn't work for anybody in that field. There are several reasons for it, which I'll write about, should you want to find out and take advantage of my skills, knowledge, education and experience.
Archimedes (c 287 BC- c 212 BC) said "Give me a place to stand and with a lever I'll move the whole world."
Or, in other translation, "Give me a place to stand and I shall move the earth."

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Go Trump go! Aug. 9th, Sunday (part 7)

Mr. Trump,

I didn't watch Thursday's debate live for one reason; didn't want to hear everybody else's redundant, memorized and phony answers.
Sense then I checked Qs asked to you and your answers to them, listened to today's morning shows such as "Deface the Nation," "Meet the Depressed," and other semi-literate, conning-n-condescending circus programs with clownada played by their so called "experts" who talk rubbish and show their stretched-to-scare-the-crows faces only.
You really pinched some nerves, which is very good. Worse are the attacks on you, - better you have done.
That's the name of the game.
Aug. 2nd on NBC Chuck-E-Todd-dodo said that list of your enemies is getting longer while talking to a twitching face woman before he got you on the phone. It looked like gossiping behind your beck right on TV screen of Nat'l network, thinking you won't hear it.
They tried usual poison cocktail consist of ingredients of race, anti-feminism, xenophobia, etc.
1st was the race card; he asked about blacklivesmatter to make you angry for the Q, but you handled him alright. The whole expression is so speculative that can make any thinking person sick.
By saying blacklivesmatter is subliminally assumes that it wasn't, otherwise why mentioned it?
There is no Q that blacklivesmatter. Where did the idea of talking about questioning it? In reality blacks and minorities in general are treated much better everywhere, - by athorities, law enforcement, educational system, etc.
The real Q from silenced majority (which is not running in the streets like majorities) should be "whitelivesmattertoo." When white people actually will start having the same rights and privileges like blacks and other minorities in this country? That's my Q. Reason for it is just my daily lie in New York City. All I have to have is to show; - live-streamed. No comments will be needed, I promise.
2nd was the women card played against you by asking about calling rosieodannall names.
Oh, boo-hoo! She is not a little-innocent-soft girl who don't know how to defend herself. She calls anybody names whenever she wants to and she already did throughout her life and career.
After the debate you said that blood was coming out of moderator Kelly because of her vicious Qs.
True; - through her nosterals. Savage called her "megyn-the-mayhem-kelly" and noticed that her nosterals are bigger and wider from the time she started on Fox.
She was a face and sound of aggressive and ugly hostility and viciousness set up by and working for hillary using face-hook Mark-Z sponsorship. She has to feed a husband and 3 kids, don't forget that.
The whole thing was a set-up to embarrass the GOP and advertise clinton. Nothing to do with intellectual or even civil conversation about the issues. There were some elusive exchanges between the condidates and that was all.
I didn't hear anything new and didn't learn anything about foreign policy in Eastern Ukraine, which can ultimately make or break this country's security. Number one topic which must have been a basic priority on the table wasn't even discussed.
I follow you on Twitter as @Starlet737. 

Best regards and good luck!

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Go Trump go! Aug. 6th, Thursday (part 6)

Mr. Trump,

At tonight's debate I wish you brightness of the mind and sharpness of the tongue. Go for it!

Best regards.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Go Trump Go! August 2nd, Sunday, 2015 (part 5)

Mr. Trump,

I saw a part of an interview where you put a reporter where she belonged to, telling her she didn't know what she was talking about. Entire main street media is a puppet theater where independent and smart person with strong convictions and values have no place whatsoever. Make no mistake.
If you have known one of two in your lifetime, you're lucky.
As in most of everything else in life, there are exceptions. And, those types of exceptions are rare, meaning they're not even a percent, they're much less. Out of 100 reporters you can get one decent one in NY or in USA? No way!
The truth is not in the putting. The Truth to me is what you can show not who you can say it.
Unless you show what's really going on, highly trained masters of minds' manipulations will do all they can to misconstrue your words and thus your image.
What do I mean by that? Am I so cautious or afraid of them? Not me, I'm not running for anything. I'm not belong to any political, religious or even social group. Never even voted for anyone on any level or place.
But,... I'll will, should you continue to stay strong and keep your steam up. It might get hot and cold from time to time, but most important thing is that you keep going forward. You have more people behind your back that you can possibly see or hear from. No matter who difficult it gets "do NOT let your heart be troubled" as Sean H. quotes from St. John frequently.
Today I remember a quote from ancient Greek philosopher A. that I used to use in my prayers often when I came to USA about quarter of century ago. I was so enthusiastic to do big things and do them fast and easy.
After the first decade in here it started subsiding, after the second one the hope gradually fainted.
Last a few years I've got into "keep believing in miracles" mode and left it for who ever makes them and give them away.
I respect Savage, because he says that he stands for innocent and not connected. I've been and I'm still both of those. On top of being decent and over-educated didn't help me at all.
These words are not new words for me to just come up with, I said those things in my blogs addressed to Savage. Can he help me? No, I don't think so. Do I agree with him 100%. No, but more than 90%of the time. To me that's good enough. I do not have illusion of liking anything for 100%. God didn't create everything perfect, but it has been a source of goodness in human mind.

I'm going to follow your site and comment on election developments. How do I let you know about it? Do not know yet. I can be help to you in certain aspects of global politics that no one can. I mean no one. I can tell you and possibly show you things in our city that no one has access to. No Mayer, no Governor, no media has access to it and never-ever reports on those things. Those are not simple, daily insignificant things, those are legal issues of serious types. Talking of violations of "human rights" and "civil rights"? Let me be on your side and shut your competition's big, fat lying mouth! Most of your competition doesn't know what's going on in here locally and in the world - globally. The rest are just blabbing lies written by others through their teeth. Take away their papers and teleprompters they would not know where they are.
You suggest to check all political candidates' blood for control substances. Because you're the only one that looks sober to me, it give me hope that their phony enthusiasm calling you names will fade fast. The "speech therapists and image makes" suddenly will NOT be useful against the truth, which to me is only the FACT. I want you to take and give only FACTUAL TRUTH.
What do I mean by that? For example; I see how they ganged-up on you for talking about "illegal" immigration from Mexico. Race groups filed out the pages on their pathetic newspapers and times on media. Some even made good money on selling Trump-piniada.
Do not tell, show the numbers next time and ask them is this right? Let them answer to their own Qs.
Then say' "you said that, didn't you?" Like JC did.
Come up with Piniadas of your adversaries. You'll be surprised how many you'd sell.
Sue, sue and sue on everything wrong coming your way. Unleash a hurricane of lawsuits. File out the courthouses with lawyers, psychologists and couple of decent, independent journalists like myself.
They will not stand a chance  of winning. Judges in their right mind will not jeopardize their benches. Go around not only with videographer, but simple live-stream, so we can follow you at anytime.
It will send a massage like nothing else.
On behalf of you give me a live-stream and let me be in town going about my business.
Media's dark mirror of crooked-lies, deceits and extortion of the reality of this society will start cracking up in front of the world. It's difficult for one person like me, but if I'd have your support, I'll turn things around - big time!
There is a global war looming in Eastern Europe, American booths and tax dollars are getting there on daily bases. Entire media complex is not reporting or saying exactly opposite of what's going on.
It's a fake problem created in DC by handful of greedy warmongers and can be solved in DC by simply exposing the real news to American public. Not doing so can bring us to disastrous times when talking about daily issues will be a luxury, if not impossible.
May God bless your family for letting you to do this. It's a sacrifice, especially for your baby-boy.
We, your fans, understand and appreciate that.

Best regards.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Go Trump Go! July 29th, Wednesday, 2015 A.D. (part 4)

Mr. Trump,

I heard you today on Savage Nation. I like your conversation like interviews where you come cross genuine and authentic. You really do not need an image maker, you're already a brand on your own.
The only think I can suggest is that instead of giving an opinion or comment, if you have poll's result or statistic, just bring the numbers and point out the source.
Why do I say that? To me personally, that type of approach is more serious. That's just the way I want to hear the information or comment. After that I can double check and get over it.
But, when you say "those people are doing it" no matter what type of people you're referring to
(in the last case were illegal Mexicans), your words can misconstrued and twisted fast and easy.
You know that the only white christian people, who are majority and paying for the rest can be attacked and mocked in this country, don't you?
For the rest, show the numbers and question the source. Only then, come to conclusion with a big ? mark. Let the listener come to the conclusion on their own. For informed, smart and demanding public start your sentences with word "because." That's the way I like it, that's the way you can cut off almost all the vicious intellectual shenanigans and mind games to average crowd controlled by main stream media.
For example......
I can write the examples to you.
We're home, we're not running in the streets, we don't want to fight in the streets, we're not thugs, we're not a mob and we're THE silent majority of this country. Just to stand up for our equal rights with the rest in our country will guarantee your success in politics. It might not be easy, but it's definitely simple. Everybody should have equal rights. What's wrong with that?
About quarter of century living in this country I didn't see it, didn't experience it and
You're a genius in negotiating, I'm not. Worse than that; I hate the process. I'm too soft for it.
You told Savage about "topping" stage in negotiating process referring to Iran deal. I don't know what it is and got something to read and learn today.
I have most of your books and I'll briefly go through them to refresh my knowledge about your work.

Best regards.  


Monday, July 27, 2015

Go Trump go! July 27, 2015 Monday (part 3)

Mr. Trump,

Yes, it's true, it's 2015 now.
After 4 years and 5 months from the first posting in this blog (in April 28, 2011) I'm gladly back, because you're back in politics. Very good move. You're back and burning some fake trees down. Speaking out your mind alright. That's the way it suppose to be, but unfortunately most people in politics are born masters of lying. That's why you're being attacked so brutally. So far so good though. You're high on polls and going strong. Would you get the GOP nomination? Let's not worry about it right now. That's an old boys club that you're not member of, but don't let that bother you a bit. Whatever you're saying is having impact and don't need confirmation.
I'll try to analyze your work from the eyes of an American who is impartial and patriotic. I have not voted in my life. Didn't like any of candidates and didn't care to go and do something that anyone could do in NYC. I mean ANYONE. Earning my citizenship through merit doesn't mean anything in here. So, I decided not to upset myself more and did not bother with that. Sad. I believe I have potential to do great things that I haven't got a chance to do only because of circumstances out of my control. Of course being naturally self-dependent, shy and decent lady with no roots and connections in this country doesn't help at all.

Getting on with the business of your campaign. I'll be using to check and double check the info published in the media and the press.
Off top of my head let me thank you from the bottom of my heart for insulting warmonger McCain.
Suggestion #1.
The only thing that you should be copying from Obama's campaign is his very effective electronic
service organization. Hire every tech expert who worked in that capacity for him.
Comment #1.
Sue every paper and media outlet who distorted your words telling public that you're badmouthed Mexican immigrants. You didn't. You said the truth about "illegals."
Suggestion #2.
Hire me as your immigration consultant. conceptual and analyst. No one knows or will be able to find out more about bring-America-down project than I. Not only that I know the process of naturalization, but I'm a journalist who has way higher IQ, diverse education and training, logic, common sense and analytical skills than any out there in main stream media.
Just yesterday I watched a little interview on yahoo with one person from Cato institute and a democrat strategist where both lied through their teeth distorting your words.
Suggestion #3.
Sue Yahoo and those 2 guests, maybe even the reporter who set the whole thing up. Sue, sue and sue and sue some more. Unless you do it, no one else can. Hire me to represent your case in the court.
I'm ready, willing and more than able to ask them Q and burn their reputation down. I can't wait. 99% of American media is infested with lying vermin of universe who know nothing about anything.
There are only handful of voices in wilderness trying to tell the way things really are and those can be shut down too.

Will it be easy to tear the nasty cover of discrimination, distortion and lies from the heads of majority in this country?  Maybe not. Would it be impossible? Absolutely not. With a man of your possibilities and with the help of people like myself it can be done.
Actually I'm going to write a plan of disinfecting American media and the press from their chronic deceases such as stupidity and veminism. I'll use my skills in medicine to diagnose and prescribe a cure. See, I already came up with a abbreviation; SVD (Stupid-Verminism-Disorder). Maybe Stupidly-Vermanic-Disorder? You pick and choose.
The plan I will not publish in here, so your adversaries won't get it. I'll let them be stupid.
I'll try to get it to you through your campaign. Oh, by the way. Savage is right saying that there are spies and enemies in every campaign. I agree with having healthy dose of paranoia. As a writer, I always double check my facts and do not trust and repeat anyone's words unless I heard them myself.

Comment #2.
You did right to ban Des Moines Register from your event in Iowa last Saturday, the 25th.
Good for you! That's your right, that was your picnic. They mess with you talking and acting like thugs, you kick their big fat dirty and ugly mouths out of your way. That's just fair! Normal paper wouldn't allow itself to tell anyone to drop out of anything, unless the person asked for money and/or approval. Who do they think they are? To me, they're nobodies with self-destructive and twisted minds! A bunch of pathetic losers, potheads surviving on paper gig. They're jealous!

I guess this is all for wee hours of the morning today. It's 4am, 75F with rain in NYC.
I'm also following you on Twitter for a long time already, I'll be re-twitting some of your stuff, so